Thursday, 5 April 2012

Backgrounds For Phones

Backgrounds For Phones Biography:

Till a few decades back, owning a cell phone was something limited to members of the affluent class only. However, innovations and cost-cutting technologies, developed with the passing time, have made it emerge as a gadget that almost anyone and everyone can easily afford. Affordability has also led to mobile phones becoming an inevitable part of everyone's life. Talking about the origin of the device, we find information that is quite interesting. From the bulky hand-held devices, which were as big as the forearm, cell phones have turned into ultra-light and small handsets, with numerous features integrated into them. Go through the following lines and know all about the history of mobile phones.
It's difficult to imagine life without cell phones, without the ability to immediately reach out and touch someone. We've come to depend upon the convenience of a cell phone and even cite reasons such as greater security as a justification for paying the monthly fees. It wasn't that long ago, though, that people went through their entire day without chatting on the phone.
The first official cell phone was used in 1946, according to Swedish police took the ingenious step of connecting a hand-held phone to a telephone network, a primitive cell phone took shape. Of course, a handful of calls would drain the battery and that made these early cell phones less than dependable for police work
e fore the advent of mobile phone, radio telephony technology was in use. The first-class passenger trains, between Berlin and Hamburg, made great use of the technology in 1926. Radio telephone was also used in passenger airplanes and for the purpose of air traffic security. German tanks, during the Second World War, made use of radio telephony at a large scale. At that time, people were especially trained to use the equipment.

Backgrounds For Phones
Backgrounds For Phones
Backgrounds For Phones
Backgrounds For Phones
Backgrounds For Phones
Backgrounds For Phones
Backgrounds For Phones
Backgrounds For Phones
Backgrounds For Phones
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Free Backgrounds For All Cell Phones

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